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Re: Firmware upgrades

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:28 am
by Toby
Thou shalt have no other editor but vi.

Re: Firmware upgrades

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:03 pm
by Tim
Agreed with Toby. Except that everybody seems to use that bastardized extension called "vim" instead of the better extended version "nvi". Which I use due pretty much entirely to the implementation of the "undo" and "redo" feature, which is just so obvious I can't see why anyone would think it should be done any other way.
Anyway, I don't like emacs because I don't want all my gray matter occupied by memorized Ctrl and Alt combinations, plus a permanently damaged pinkie finger from typing them.

But we have digressed way off topic.
Also, the source to the MakerGear stock firmware is available from the MakerGear wiki, so you shouldn't need to worry about being able to recover.
I'm being thoroughly pedantic/paranoid here. The bytes that were in my flash memory are the guaranteed stock firmware. Anything else may or may not match exactly depending on whether people accidentally posted the wrong version, made edits before posting, used a different gcc-avr version, whatever. Most likely, it's all perfectly good.
But I have been seduced away by Ease of Use.
"Ease of Use" is all quite good until things start going wrong. Then it's just obscuring what went wrong, and why. As long as everything works as advertised, it's great. And in spite of what I say, there are applications here and there where I prefer to use the GUI.