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Re: Mic 6 tooling plate

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:46 am
by Bratag
jimc wrote:the default accelleration in the firmware is 3000 on x and y. most of us have lowered that anyway to reduce ringing. mine is at 1000. if you like it fast then just lower the y and keep the x at default. not sure what you mean about the variance in length and width. i guess the plate wasnt cut to size right?
It was within about .5mm - that was enough to slightly overlap one of the clips on one corner a very very small amount

So you would recommend lowering the accel and leaving the xy the default - that makes sense. I assume its a firmware change/upload or can I do it through commands?

Re: Mic 6 tooling plate

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:48 am
by jsc
Are you using jimc's adjustable corner clips? They work very well.

Re: Mic 6 tooling plate

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:49 am
by jsc
You can adjust accelerations by putting g-code in your startup script:
M201 X1000 Y1000 ; lower default accelerations

Re: Mic 6 tooling plate

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:54 am
by Bratag
jsc wrote:You can adjust accelerations by putting g-code in your startup script:
M201 X1000 Y1000 ; lower default accelerations
Awesome - thanks - and yes I am using his clips - its a snug fit all the way round - I doubt I even need to tighten the little tabs but I still do

Re: Mic 6 tooling plate

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:57 am
by jimc
i guess you didnt cut the plate yourself and you ordered it that size? supply companies usually just rough cut stuff. i do it here and make sure its really close to 8x10 and also thats its square. as jin said just toss that 201 line in your start script and your good to go. here is a link to a blog that we have been passing around forever has some good info.

Re: Mic 6 tooling plate

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:01 am
by Bratag
jimc wrote:i guess you didnt cut the plate yourself and you ordered it that size? supply companies usually just rough cut stuff. i do it here and make sure its really close to 8x10 and also thats its square. as jin said just toss that 201 line in your start script and your good to go. here is a link to a blog that we have been passing around forever has some good info.

Yeah I ordered it - I don't have the facilities for cutting something like that myself. That being said its not that it was a bad cut - it was within the tolerances they gave, just happened to be + on one corner

Re: Mic 6 tooling plate

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 10:45 pm
by eddyogi
Hi guys! I'm getting really interested in a Mic-6 for my (soon to arrive, I hope) M2. Only problem is I'm in Australia and I can't find a retailer online that sells this stuff. :-(

Any of you guys know where I might be able to order one already cut to size for the M2?

I have noticed that there is a 6061 aluminium tooling plate that is available locally, do you think this is as flat as Mic-6? I heard this is rolled or pressed and not cast so I'm worried it won't stay flat when heated.

Thank you in advance for your inputs! Greatly appreciated!


Re: Mic 6 tooling plate

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 11:28 pm
by insta
6061 won't cut it, you need a cast piece. Check eBay, most sellers will ship overseas if you ask nicely. :)

Re: Mic 6 tooling plate

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 11:32 pm
by eddyogi
I did check eBay. But the fact only ones I saw are huge and the shipping costs 3 times more than the actual cost of the Muc-6. But I will ask them if they can cut to size and ship a smaller item to me, it might be cheaper. I hope.

Re: Mic 6 tooling plate

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 2:23 am
by jimc
im sure you can get cast tooling plate locally somewhere. call a machine shop and find out where you can get it. unless its prepped correctly as well it wont do much for you. it needs to be fully glass beaded and rubbed down with a red scotchbrite pad to give the correct texture. the finish should be similar to frosted glass or if you've ever felt 1500grit sandpaper. perhaps you can find a machine shop that can order it, cut it and blast it as well.