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best soluble filament for support structure

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 6:57 pm
by psd
I was wondering if anyone on the MG forum has had positive results with PVA or other soluble filament as a wash away support material in dual extrusion?

I am used to printing at my previous workplace on a Dimension Stratysus and that machine always printed a soluble support and raft.
We always got great results and the support washed away completely in a specially designed agitated tank of water and chemical.

I already heard from Jules who had negative results with using PVA previously, was wondering if maybe someone had any positive results, tricks, brands, or other solutions?


Re: best soluble filament for support structure

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 6:30 am
by jsc
I have experimented with HIPS support under ABS, which is dissolvable in limonene. It wasn't a super success. The bottom layer quality was not noticeably better than regular non-dissolving support. viewtopic.php?t=2221&p=11719

I haven't myself tried PLA support for PETG, but Jules says it works great, and unless you actually need your support to dissolve, which you would only if you have support in unreachable areas, I think that's the combination you should focus on.