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How to calibrate! a list of useful links!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:20 pm
by helifrek
Hello all,
I would like to introduce a calibration/print test thread that will hopefully contain links to all the useful calibrations and "fingers crossed" become a sticky!

I have been searching the past couple of days for good calibration guides and write-ups and they seem to be hidden around in different places, so if you have something useful you think everyone could use, please post a link here and I will add it to this first post so that it will be easier to find for others in the future. Thank you all!


#1. Extrusion Calibration by jsc. (also contains z-height calibration tip!)

#2. M2 tips by jsc ( everything from building tips to bed leveling to filament care!)

#3. Makergear wiki! (not sure who gets credit here)

Hopefully more to follow!

Re: Give me your links to calibrations!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:30 pm
by Jules
Excellent idea, but i don't know that anyone on the forum actually has "sticky-making" capabilities. Maybe folks could find it more easily if you renamed your thread to "How To: Calibrate" or something along those lines. :D

Re: How to calibrate! a list of useful links!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:12 am
by helifrek
Does php not allow stickies? well now I feel stupid!

Re: How to calibrate! a list of useful links!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:52 am
by Jules
helifrek wrote:Does php not allow stickies? well now I feel stupid!
Yes, it does, but i don't think there is anyone here with the privileges necessary to do it. (Whoever created the site (I'm guessing it was someone at MakerGear) didn't give the moderators here the power to create stickies.)

To get around that, I was thinking that if everyone who has an actual instructional "How To" post were to go back and edit that into the title, then anyone needing to know how to do something could just do a search for "How To", and they would all pop up. It should be a much shorter list and will weed out all of the questions and requests for help.

Cause they do tend to get lost in the shuffle! LOL! Anyway, I went back and edited the three semi-instructional posts that i've posted to include it, so at least now i can find my own posts! :P

Re: How to calibrate! a list of useful links!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:01 am
by helifrek
You mind sharing those links here, I feel like I got all dressed up for nothing :)

Re: How to calibrate! a list of useful links!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:37 am
by Jules
Oh, they weren't on calibration though - one was on cleaning a nozzle, one was on setting the filament drive tension screw, and one was on "non-splicing" filament.

Don't want to clutter up your calibration list with unrelated information. The only bit i wrote up on calibration is cross-linked in jin's tutorial, so people will find it when they go look at that one.

But....if you want to list it separately, it's about correcting the layer height using the Z offset in S3D's G-Codes:

(There really aren't that many things that have to be calibrated. I think you have them all covered with your list already.) :D

Re: How to calibrate! a list of useful links!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:27 am
by nirfriedman
Great initiative! Thanks!

I just posted my conclusions about how to fine tune dual extruder offset - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2747&sid=ff445befa ... 183#p16956

Re: How to calibrate! a list of useful links!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:07 pm
by helifrek
Thanks guys,
It doesn't have to be restricted to just calibrations but useful and helpful M2 related information in general. Adding lights, Stepper motor dampeners, routing the HBP wires so that they don't flex as much. Just anything that is useful. Half of the information I have found has been pretty much by accident just browsing pages and pages of information!

So maybe I should change the title again to some like "All useful M2 information links" and throw in some keywords to make it easier to find? I am up for suggestions, you guys are in this forum more than me! I am like one of those relatives you don't hear from until I need help or money.......

Re: How to calibrate! a list of useful links!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:49 pm
by SouthSideofdaSky
Great idea! I have been copying and pasting links to various threads from this forum (and a couple other places, as applicable) into a Word doc for quite awhile now. I'm like you..I don't really spend much time browsing through here until I need help. :roll:

So here is my list.

General items
- M2 Tips by jsc - you already got this one
- Makergear Wiki - you already got this one
- Securing HBP wires by jimc: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1712 . Since I posted on the thread linked here last week, I have ordered and received a replacement HBP from MakerGear to have on hand in case our solder job doesn't hold up. The new one has a different design that appears to eliminate this issue, so this may not be an important link to include for new users (I assume the new HBP is on currently shipping M2s).
- Simplify3D's startup guide for the M2: ... makergear/
- Simplify3D tutorials:
- Makergear Youtube channel: ... 4rBJPYOIfQ
- Detailed explanation of Simplify3D process settings by jsc:
- Extrusion calibration by jsc - you already got this one
- G-code commands: (as you probably all know, the type of firmware for the M2 is Marlin)
- "Non-splicing" filament by Jules: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2729
- List of filaments that work with the M2 by insta: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1951
- PLA info: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=218

I am part of a team that designs production line equipment, so that is mainly what I use our M2 for. Some of the printed parts are used on the actual machines and therefore require things like higher strength and accurately sized holes. So the remaining links may not interest a general audience as much but I'll post them anyway in case you want to include them.
- Hole sizing thread I started: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1979
- Applying different settings to different regions of a model (e.g. to make critical parts of a print stronger): ... f-a-model/
- Filament strength testing by rsilvers: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2161
- Embedding nuts in prints/pausing prints at a specific layer by sthone: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2132

Re: How to calibrate! a list of useful links!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:59 pm
by helifrek
What a list! Thanks SouthSideofdaSky! I will get around to copying and pasting all that in a few, just got my dampeners in and it is time to put them on!